How To Quit Smoking With Hypnosis
During hypnosis to quit smoking, hypnotherapists often use imagery with unpleasant outcomes that come from smoking, such as the unpleasant smell or leaving your mouth feel parched.
How Does Hypnotherapy Work for Smoking?
Using hypnosis to quit smoking usually focuses on three main ideas:
Studies show that the majority of smokers would love to quit smoking. However, nicotine addiction is deeply rooted in the subconscious mind, holding them back from being able to quit. Stress, mealtime, driving, drinking alcohol and many more things, all subconsciously trigger thoughts that cause cigarette craving.
During hypnosis, you follow relaxation and breathing techniques to reach a frame of mind similar to daydreaming; you’re aware, but at the same time, the mind is disconnected and more open to suggestions. Hypnosis works to shut off the voice in your head that urges to you light up a cigarette; it reframes subconscious thoughts to think negatively about smoking.
Afterwards, when you experience a smoking trigger, the mind doesn’t automatically react – it slows down and listens to this new information you’ve provided.
We all know that smoking adversely affects your health. Even moderate smokers have experienced a sore throat or difficulty breathing when climbing a flight of stairs. And, of course, there’s the threat of more serious health consequences. Give hypnosis a chance to successfully help you quit smoking and live life with full (and clear) lungs:
- You will be a non-smoker
- You will no longer crave cigarettes
- You will feel safe without cigarettes
- You will save money
- You will have healthier skin
- You will be more active
- You will live longer
- You will reduce the risk of heart attack and lung cancer
Although the number of smoking adults in the U.S. dropped from 20.9 percent to 17.8 percent from 2005 to 2013, smoking is still responsible for 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco is responsible for 5 million deaths per year worldwide.
Don’t be a statistic. Give hypnosis a chance and surprise yourself with your new smoke-free life.
NoVa Hypnosis and Wellness Will Help You Quit Smoking
NoVa Hypnosis and Wellness created customized, memorable and transformative experiences through hypnosis, to help our clients overcome obstacles in their personal or professional lives.
Our emphasis on outcomes and results is just one of several reasons NoVA Hypnosis and Wellness is one of the highest rated hypnosis centers in the region.
Our Smoke-Free program consists of three steps, working with you to help you quit smoking, one successful step at a time. Give us a call and become smoke-free.