Hypnosis for Anger Management

Do you feel as if you spend your life walking on eggshells because you never know when your partner will explode? Or is your child constantly in trouble at school for blowing up and acting out? Or maybe you’re the one who is hot-tempered — and you just don’t want to be this way any longer? 

Does hypnosis work for anger management

Our techniques may help you or those around you minimize the stress response and manage anger better. We use a powerful, interactive, and fun process whereby the therapist guides the client to the appropriate level (depth) of hypnosis for the presenting problem through a series of suggestions. Once at the appropriate level of hypnosis, the client’s subconscious mind is optimally open and receptive to the combination of positive suggestions co-created by the therapist and the client during the intake portion of the session. Because hypnotherapy occurs on the level of the subconscious mind, change can be more dramatic, noticeable and permanent then when the conscious mind is engaged.
Hypnosis is gaining more recognition nationwide as an established option for improving anger management. In fact, according to results from a 2004 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy, individuals who used self-hypnosis three to five times a week reported higher levels of calmness and self-esteem — and less anger and impulsivity.

Tips on self-hypnosis for anger management

Ready to try it for yourself? Here are some tips on how to use self-hypnosis techniques to achieve more serenity in your life:

  1. Develop a list of short, positive statements that highlight what your self-hypnosis objectives are– ie., I will remain calm. Then, change them from the future tense to the present tense — ie. “I AM calm.” Write this down somewhere where you won’t forget it.
  2. Create an anchor for yourself. The objective here is to create an association in your brain between your statement from step one and a physical act that can be repeated in times of stress. You can clap your hands, snap your fingers, or even blink twice; it doesn’t matter what the motion is, as long as you can commit to using it regularly. Repeat your statement while you use your anchor.
  3. When you feel anger coming on, use your anchor. The more consistency you can achieve in this process, the better you’ll feel. The more your anchor becomes instinctual “habit,” the better it will work.

If you or someone you know suffers from poor anger management and is ready for natural, safe, and effective relief, please call 571-295-7371 for a Free Phone Consultation.*


Potter, Greg. (2004). Raised self-esteem and serenity: Lowered impulsivity and anger. American Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy, April;46(4):281-97).
*We recommend you always seek the advice of a licensed mental health or medical provider prior to starting any new treatment plan or with any questions regarding your medical or mental health condition. Our providers neither diagnose nor treat mental health or medical conditions, nor do they provide counseling or medical care. Please be aware our services are meant to supplement, not substitute for the care provided by your licensed mental health or medical provider

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Schedule a free, 30-minute virtual consultation with our Founder and CEO, Monica Marusceac, MBA, BCH

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