The most successful companies are those that put their employees’ health and wellness first. This is because happier, healthier workers with high morale means increased productivity, retention, and loyalty. Making employee wellness a priority reduces turnover and training expenses, saving you a great deal of money in the long run. Many employers are looking at new ideas for incorporating wellness into their workplace and hypnosis is becoming a more and more popular option. Whether you are thinking of offering hypnosis as a benefit to your employees that is covered by their health plan or considering a group session as a corporate wellness retreat activity, NoVA Hypnosis and Wellness can help your employees reach their potential by improving work habits and decreasing stress levels.

Why Wellness Should Be Important to Employers

Your employees’ physical health is important for obvious reasons, but the mental wellness of your staff is just as important to take into consideration. Now more than ever, poor mental health, stress, and burnout are at play in many peoples’ lives, so developing healthy coping mechanisms and management techniques is essential. Mental health is a common reason for employees going on leaves of absence from work, so you want to do everything you can to support your employees’ mental wellness in order to maintain a productive and positive workplace. Hypnosis is a wonderful therapeutic activity to offer to employees because it can be effective at improving both mental and physical health. Hypnosis has helped many of our clients with varying personal goals including weight loss, smoking cessation, and gaining confidence, all of which contribute to a more productive, more fulfilling work life.

Hypnosis for Stress

We are living in the age of burnout. With increased access to communication in the form of smartphones, tablets, and other technology, we are also constantly tethered to whatever stresses that work and home life may entail. This means that unless we learn positive time and stress management techniques, it is very easy to become overwhelmed, tense, and ultimately burnt out. An over-stressed employee who is constantly at full capacity is far less productive than one who is relaxed and not constantly playing catch up. Hypnosis for stress works by reframing negative thought patterns and rewiring our response to stressful stimuli.  Hypnosis sessions not only help people relax and feel less stress in the moment but they also teach them how to manage stress more effectively going forward. Here are the four most common negative thought patterns that hypnosis can help to rewire. They are the following:
  • Filtering: filtering out positive thoughts and only focusing on negative ones to the point where you can’t see anything positive going on around you.
  • Personalizing: taking everything personally and assuming that any negative action a co-worker takes is a reflection of their attitude towards you or something that you did wrong.
  • Black and White Thinking: seeing every scenario as either only good or only bad, not acknowledging gray areas or being able to see both negative and positive aspects to a given situation.
  • Catastrophizing: making every small roadblock feel like the end of the world instead of seeing it as an inconvenience that you can overcome.

Hypnosis for Confidence

Confidence in the workplace is something that everyone struggles with at some point in their career. If an employee doesn’t feel confident in their abilities or ideas, your business may end up missing out on some potentially great innovations. Of course, one way to make sure that staff feel comfortable bringing up their ideas is to make sure you are fostering a positive work environment that values and encourages open communication, but you can also nurture self-confidence in employees by enabling them to try hypnosis. Hypnosis can boost workplace confidence in various ways. Hypnosis is an effective tool to reduce social anxiety, making it easier to talk to your boss, clients, or any other professional connection who may make you feel nervous. Our clients have also made huge strides in their public speaking skills through our hypnosis program. For those who struggle with delivering business presentations or speaking at conferences, hypnosis can help them overcome the public speaking hurdle and feel comfortable speaking in front of a large group.

Hypnosis for Better Work Habits

You can also use hypnosis as a kind of efficiency workshop that helps your employees (and yourself) integrate more efficient strategies into their daily work habits. The majority of workers struggle with motivation, procrastination, and time management and would like to have the tools to improve their abilities in these areas. That’s where hypnosis comes in. As we’ve already established, hypnosis works to change negative thought and behavioral patterns, so it is an effective way to change poor work habits such as procrastination. Each person’s way of working (and thinking about work) is different, so a hypnosis practitioner will work with each individual to come up with the best strategies for them to increase productivity and maintain better work habits. Learn more about hypnosis for corporate wellness— contact us today!
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