During the civil war, hypnosis was used as an anesthetic for soldiers undergoing amputations and other major surgeries.[1] Today, it remains an effective technique for reducing both acute and chronic pain. In fact, a study recently spotlighted by the NIH found that self-hypnosis techniques drastically reduced pain and anxiety in patients undergoing breast biopsies.[2] Hypnosis is so powerful that hypnotized patients may even require less anesthesia during surgery![3]
Hypnosis for pain management works by creating a state of focused mental concentration in which the brain is open and highly impressionable. When a client is in this state, a board-certified hypnotist can replace thoughts of fear, pain and anxiety with positive suggestions. Our clients report feeling refreshed and relaxed after each session, and they’re often amazed at how quickly their pain diminishes or even disappears completely!
Not only do our board-certified hypnotists provide expert hypnotherapy during each session, they also teach each client how to use self-hypnosis on their own. This means that the effects of your hypnotherapy sessions may be long-lasting, and that you’ll learn to control your body’s pain receptors to manage your discomfort in situations when you need it most (whether at home or at the hospital). We recognize that each client’s pain symptoms are different, which is why we develop a personalized approach to suit your unique needs.
Schedule a consultation today and see what it’s all about! 571-295-7371