Do you — or someone you love — suffer from flashbacks of wartime or disaster trauma? Do you cringe at loud noises? Or maybe you wake up, soaked in sweat, from vivid nightmares of childhood abuse? That is, if you can sleep at all.
The symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can disrupt even the most loving relationships and cause significant problems in the workplace.
Hypnosis may help.
Our clients typically report a reduction in the frequency of unwanted thoughts and flashbacks after only one session. We use a powerful, interactive and fun process of hypnosis whereby the therapist guides the client to the appropriate level (depth) of hypnosis for the presenting problem through a series of suggestions. Once at the appropriate level of hypnosis, the client’s subconscious mind is optimally open and receptive to the combination of positive suggestions co-created by the therapist and the client during the intake portion of the session. Because hypnotherapy occurs on the level of the subconscious mind, change can be more dramatic, noticeable and permanent then when the conscious mind is engaged.
Most clients can significantly minimize their PTSD symptoms after only four or five sessions.
Hypnosis is gaining more recognition nationwide as an established option for reducing the symptoms of PTSD. Specifically, research has shown hypnosis can be very effective: A 2013 study, published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, showed that patients who received hypnosis had significant improvement in their PTSD symptoms. Better yet, compared to the placebo group, their improvement remained consistent throughout the follow-up period of 18 weeks.
If you or someone you know wants to reduce or eliminate the symptoms associated with PTSD using a natural, safe, and effective solution, please call 571-295-7371 for a Free Phone Consultation.*
Arreed Barabasz , Marianne Barabasz , Ciara Christensen , Brian French and John G. Watkins (2013). Efficacy of Single-Session Abreactive Ego State Therapy for Combat Stress Injury, PTSD, and ASD, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 61:1, 1-19.